If you're encountering Error 133010 while using the WhatsApp Business API, it means the phone number you're attempting to use has not been registered on the platform. This guide will help you understand the issue and provide steps to resolve it.
Steps to Resolve Error 133010
Make a POST request to the PHONE_NUMBER_ID/register endpoint.
Include the following in your request:
Phone Number ID: The unique identifier for your business phone number.
Access Token: Must have the whatsapp_business_management permission.
Additional parameters required by the API which include messaging_product, pin, data_localization_region(optional).
Example Request
curl 'https://graph.facebook.com/v21.0/106540352242922/register ' \-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \-H 'Authorization: Bearer EAAJB...' \-d '{"messaging_product": "whatsapp","pin": "212834"}
For more details, refer to the official WhatsApp Business API endpoint documentation. For more troubleshooting tips related to WhatsApp Business API, check out our other blogs at heltar.com/blogs.